Daily Puja Vidhis
Information About Devi Festival And Puja
This is an important and glittering function in which, the replica of Deity’s holy idol, made of silver is placed on the chariot decorated with colorful sculpts of lions, elephants, horses, bulls, eagles and peacocks, shown as carriers and the procession moves on accompanied by drum beaters and devotees singing traditional devotional songs. The Chariot is carried by the devotees on their shoulders. The procession encircles (Parikrama) the temple with religious fervor. The event is celebrated on the full moon (pournima) night.

Daily Puja Vidhis
- Early Morning 4:00am – मुख्य प्रवेशद्वारावर चौघडा वाजवून नित्योपचार विधी सुरु होत असल्याचे जाहीर केले जाते.
- Early Morning 4:30am – मुखप्रक्षालन व चरणतीर्थ पूजा.
- Morning 6:00am – Abhishekh Puja
- Afternoon 11.00am – Puja and Prayer
- Night 7:00pm – Abhishekh Puja
- Night 10:00pm – Puja and Prayer
- Night 11:00 pm – Prakshal Puja(Closing)